Cure Therapist

Welcome To The Professional Physiotherapy Clinic

  • Ghaziabad | Noida | Delhi NCR, India
  • Mon to Sat 9:00am to 6:00pm


Inpatient Therapy

Inpatient physiotherapy is a service provided for those admitted to the Hospital, usually as part of routine surgery.

This service is required dependent on your surgeon and the type of surgery you are having. If the surgery you are undergoing is not routinely seen by our inpatient physiotherapists, you can still request to be seen. This should be discussed with your surgeon and a referral can be made to us.

Who is referred to Physiotherapy?

Individuals who:

• have decreased mobility and difficulty with transfers and walking

• have respiratory problems

• have reduced muscle strength

• have balance problems

The Physiotherapist may then carry out all or some of the following intervention:-

Initial Assessment

We asses anyone who requires physiotherapy input. We do this with you or with family members present if appropriate. The assessment provides information on your previous abilities and may include respiratory, joint mobility, muscle strength, balance, mobility, pain and functional activity assessment

We offer:

• Assessment

• Advice

• Treatment

• Management

of your condition which may be due to respiratory difficulties, muscle wasting, lack of mobility, loss of joint movement and lack of confidence.

During this assessment we will discuss and agree with you the aims of treatment, the plan and the expected outcomes.

Person Centred Treatment Planning

This is where we will identify your current problems, set functional goals with you and plan treatments or management to achieve these goals.


If you require equipment we will asses what you need and supply it. We will supply suitable walking aids if these are required for you on the ward and to take home if necessary. We may assess for splints, collars and braces with the Orthotist if these are required as part of your treatment. We also will assess and refer you to the Prosthetist if you have had an amputation.

Specialist Treatments

We will either see you in the ward areas or in our therapy treatment areas, this includes our gym. A broad range of specialist treatments may be used;

• Posture and positioning advice and management,

• Chest care

• Re-education of functional activities and balance such as sitting, standing and walking,

• Exercises

• Assessment for aids and appliances.

You are encouraged to actively take part in maximising your potential and aiming to return to normal function following ill health, trauma or disability for other reasons. We continually reassess your progress throughout your treatment programme and modify the treatment plan with you.

Quality Equipment & Tools

Our result oriented practice makes us the leading physiotherapy in NOIDA and NCR. This is only due to quality assessment and evidence based treatment system with most modern state of art chiropractic and physiotherapy gadgets powered by specialized team of physiotherapist .

Choose The Best Physiotherapy For Yourself